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What is the blessing of the rings in Italy?

The wedding ring blessing can be incorporated into any wedding ceremony and is simple, elegant, charming, and innovative! Shall we know more about this topic?

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What is the blessing of the rings in Italy?

When we are planning our wedding we want everything to come out impeccably perfect. Details are chosen with care, and the guests are handpicked, after all, on such a special day, we want the people we love very close to us and, to have them even closer, there is a very original, delicate, and charming way of to make your guests participate, effectively, in your wedding, is to make them participate in the blessing of the rings. Would you like to know what is the blessing of the rings in Italy? Stay with us and make the best of Italy! Here at  Your Travel to Italy with Ana Patricia  you make the trip of your dreams! ALSO: see our  “Accommodation in Italy – Tips for your holidays!”.

Our Introduction

Organizing a wedding is not easy, we know! The details make ALL the difference and doing something different and special is not always easy, because we end up falling into the sameness, but today we have a SUPER original idea for you to do at your wedding: the blessing of the rings by the guests! Also, check out our post Destination Wedding in Italy

Having a wedding ceremony is a wonderful, simple, and easy way to allow your guests to actively participate in one of the most special days in anyone’s life, their wedding day. It will also add even more meaning to the rings that you and your spouse will wear every day, for the rest of your life, from that ceremony. But, after all, what is the blessing of the wedding rings made by guests and how does it work?

Important to Know

  • Contrary to what many think, the blessing of the rings is not just the one made by the priest. Of course, the blessing of the celebrant is extremely important, and if you want to combine useful with pleasant, you can perform the ceremony of blessing the guests in the church, but there are other ways to receive the blessing of those dear to you.

  • In English, the blessing of the rings is called ring warming, and its origins have their roots in Ireland. The ceremony involves a personal blessing of each guest on the bride and groom’s rings. There are several ways to accomplish this blessing. Below we will give you some very interesting ideas!

1) What is the blessing of the rings in Italy? IN CIVIL AND/OR IN THE CHURCH

If your ceremony is, for example, civil, or even in church for a few people (a few is something around, at most, six people, as it can take a long time) you can tie the rings on a ribbon and deliver them by hand to the guests so that they silently bless the new couple. A tip: inform in the invitation that there will be such a ceremony and, in short, explain to the guests how it works. 

The Guardian of the Rings

If you prefer, you can choose someone in charge of being the guardian of the rings. Before the ceremony, this person will be able to walk through all the guests, explain how the blessing works and ask the guests to make a wish for the couple. You can also pass the ring around to all the guests while the priest delivers the sermon, it’s a great idea if you’re getting married in a chapel, for example, and again, with very few guests!

But, Ana: I have a lot of guests, I liked the idea, and I want to do it! And now?

No stress: it’s possible to do, there’s no mystery: put the information on the invitation and put the rings in a safe place, of course, but where everyone has access (let a person in charge of ‘take care of the rings). Write a charming message and place it next to the rings, something like a prayer. Want an example?

We ask you just a few seconds so that you can bless our rings! Hold the rings for a moment, and make a silent wish for us! We will carry your sweetest wishes with us for the rest of our lives, and knowing that you wished us so many good things makes us very happy! Thank you so much for being part of this important moment for us!

2) What is the blessing of the rings in Italy? INTIMATE CEREMONY

If you want something more intimate, private, discreet, but still special and within this idea, gather your closest family members (usually the parents of the bride and groom and godparents participate) and before the ceremony begins, gather and ask them to participate and offer your blessings to the couple. It is something private, but with a lot of charm, elegance, and meaning for those involved. The idea also serves for guests to see the rings up close, as not everyone has this opportunity. You can put the rings tied on a ribbon, put them in a charming box, on a small pillow… There is a multitude of ideas.


  • Give the guests time so they can do this calmly, there’s no point in ‘making available’ the rings 10 minutes before the ceremony and then taking them out. The ideal is to leave the rings there for at least an hour. Of course, this will depend on the size of the ceremony, the number of guests, and how you are going to do the blessing, but don’t rush anyone, it’s. If you do this ceremony at the famine or the registry office, explain how the idea works BEFORE you start the ceremony, O.K.?

3) What is the blessing of the rings in Italy? ONLY FOR BRIDEGROOMS

It is also possible to perform the ceremony only as a couple, even in a church in Italy. All you need to do is arrange details with the parish priest and schedule your trip with the church’s availability. It is a very romantic and meaningful ceremony. Although the idea is not widespread everywhere, it is an idea that can be very cool even because few people know the practice. Ah: remember that you, bride and groom, also make your blessing, this moment can be, or before, or after the vows.


  • If the ceremony is in the church and there is no possibility of doing this blessing in the church itself, after the wedding, you can make the rings available at the entrance of the reception to take them back at the time of the bride and groom’s presentation. But again, let a best man or godmother take care of the rings! ; )

Good to know

  • Guys, remember that this small ceremony is valid for a wedding, golden anniversary, silver anniversary, wedding anniversaryIt’s a super original idea, very different and very interesting because your guests will effectively participate in the celebration.

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What is the blessing of the rings in Italy? A blessed marriage goes beyond rings, we know, but knowing that the people you love and that you invited with such affection to such a special day for the couple left a little bit of positive energy and the best wishes for happiness and love in a piece of jewelry that will always be with you, is a delicious feeling and, of course, very special.

Are you insecure?

And if you feel insecure, have no time, and need help to organize your trip,  don’t hesitate to contact me!  I will love to help you make your dream trip to Italy come true. And how can I do that? Keep reading this post until the end and you will understand how we make your life and your trip much easier.

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