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I lost my passport in Italy. What to do? 

Of course, we don't think about going through this during a trip, but it's good to know what to do if it happens.

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I lost my passport in Italy. What to do?

The passport is the most important document for travelers. It is our only International Identification and, therefore, must be kept with zeal and attention all the time! Of course, unexpected events can happen, as well as unpleasant moments like a robbery, and it can also happen that you find yourself without your passport at some point due to sheer distraction. But, don’t worry: today we will tell you everything you need to know in this case: I lost my passport in Italy! What to do? Here at Your Travel to Italy with Ana Patricia you make the trip of your dreams!!! ALSO: see our “Accommodation in Italy – Tips for your holidays!”

1) I lost my passport in Italy! What to do? ATTENTION!

First of all it’s important to say that Italy is a really safe country! Although, the crime rate here is not zero and some criminalities can happen, so it’s always good to be attentive, avoid crowded places, dark places, take care in the crowds and around train and subway stations, because theft happens in a very subtle way. Also be careful when taking photos, a moment of distraction and anything can happen. If you are also in a group, be aware because they are the favorite targets of opportunists.

Policing in Italy

Italy is well policed, especially in large tourist centers and if something unpleasant happens, do not hesitate to talk to the police. If you have any doubts, you can also look for a tourist assistance center, they will guide you on how to get to the nearest Caserma (police station). Now, let’s get to the point: what are the most frequent doubts regarding passport loss in Italy? Let’s see what to do!

2) I lost my passport in Italy! What to do? LOST OR THEFT

What do I do if I lose my passport or get it stolen in Italy? One of the reasons I wrote this post was precisely because of a consulting client who has been through this situation recently. The theft happened in Rome and the first thing she did was call me desperate: Ana Patricia, I lost my passport in Italy! What do I do?  Ok: so I asked for calm and advised to make contact with the police immediately! The sooner you register the complaint, the fewer problems you will have! As safe as the new passport is (with chip and stuff), it is not fully protected against falsification, so alert the local authorities and this action will protect you and your document.


  • It’s no use calling the police (carabinieri), they won’t be able to help you over the phone, go to the police station in person. I suggest you to always have with you the address of the Caserma (police stations) of the city you’re visiting! To find the addresses, you can access the Carabinieri website, CLICKING HERE!
  • If you are in Rome or Milan, after you have made your police report, go to your country Consulate or Embassy (check the address of both before traveling and, once again, keep it always with you!). For more information, such as address and hours, access the official website your country Consulate and/or Embassy.


  • It is necessary to make an appointment, but you can call, explaining the situation and try an emergency appointment, in case you can’t get in touch by phone I suggest going directly to there.

3) I lost my passport in Italy! What to do? NEW PASSPORT ISSUE

How much does a new passport cost and in how long will it be ready? A passport issued in Rome or Milan costs about 120 Euros (depending on the case that will be analyzed there) and can be ready on the same day, but it can also take weeks to get ready! – It actually depends on the emergency. REMEMBER THAT THEY DO NOT WORK ON WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS!

Important to know

After the issuance of the new passport, if you are traveling through Europe, see below how to proceed:

  • If you are traveling through Europe and, from Italy, go to another country that needs a visa, after withdrawing the new passport it will be necessary to renew the visa at the Consulate of the destination country before leaving Italy, otherwise you won’t have authorization to enter the ‘next country’.
  •  If you are in a city where there is NO Consulate, contact by phone or e-mail and ask for orientation. Usually the service is very efficient and you won’t have any major problems!
  • Which Consulate to call? If you are in the north of Italy, the jurisdiction is the Milan Consulate, from the center to the south: contact the Rome Consulate.

4) I lost my passport in Italy! What to do? DOCUMENTATION TO APPLY FOR A NEW PASSPORT

What documents do I need to apply for a new passport? Each country has its demands. Usually, you will need the Italian police report and originals and/or copies of your ID, birth certificate and notarized copy of the first pages of the passport.

Golden Tip

Do this BEFORE leaving your country! Travel with copies of all these documents and leave them in the hotel safe. PLUS: take photographs of ALL of these documents and leave them saved in your e-mail, including the certified copies.


  • Consulates CANNOT ISSUE OTHER DOCUMENTS, they can only issue passports!

5) I lost my passport in Italy! What to do? DEADLINE X BOARDING

So, your flight is before the deadline for the new passport to be ready? DON’T PANIC! You can talk with the Consulate and request and special authorization to come back to your country! You will have to present the tickets at the time of request and they will verify the possibility of issuing this emergency document that will serve as a passport for your return home.


  • The Consulates in Italy (Rome and Milan), by law, hold  the right to DENY issuing the document in case they deem it unnecessary, once again: the analysis will be done there.


  • Usually, this is issued for free and it takes up to 03 days to be ready, but remember that only attends for cases of direct flight, without stopping in any other country. If your flight has a stopover, you will need to wait for the emergency passport to be ready!

6) I lost my passport in Italy! What to do? ORIGINAL PASSPORT OR COPY

Should I carry the original passport or the copy while visiting places? Walking with the copy is safer, but if an authority stops you and asks for your documents, they may imply that you are not with the original. When in doubt, carry the original, if possible use that “travel belt” (dole belt, money belt, you have several options!) so you avoid possible theft.

Helpful Tips

  • Before you go to the police station, look with all the attention of the world to know if you really lost your passport! Check your bags, suitcases, pockets, look under the hotel bed, redo the last path… Go to the Police only after you are absolutely sure that you really lost your passport!
  • If you have a special authorization to return to your country, you will need to present –with it – a document with photo (original or certified copy) at the time of your arrival; so before the trip, ask someone of your trust to mail you a certified copy of a document with photo before your arrival (or keep it in your e-mail).

More tips…

  • Present your passport ONLY in places where it is strictly necessary, such as at the airport immigration and at the hotel to check in/out.
  • DO NOT USE IT AS IF IT WERE AN ID! Avoid “showing” your passport in all places and always be discreet when you are with it, act as if you were not.
  • If you are the victim of theft or robbery, in addition to informing the authorities about your passport lost, also remember to cancel credit cards and/or traveler’s checks; and that’s the reason why it is important to always have with you the phone numbers of the companies responsible.
  • If your passport is found and you are no longer in Italy, there will be a document refund to your country authorities, don’t worry because you will be informed in case this happens.


I lost my passport in Italy! What to do? When we travel we don’t expect the worst to happen, but it is always good to be prepared in case there we need to use your country services available in Italy. The service is efficient and you will have all the protection to return home safe and sound!

If you feel insecure, have no time, and need help to organize your trip, don’t hesitate to contact me! I will love to help you make your dream trip to Italy come true. And how can I do that? Keep reading this post until the end and you will understand how we make your life and your trip much easier

Did my post help you? If so, be sure to post your comment below, but if you still have questions just send me a message I will answer you as soon as possible!

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