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Visit Mamertine Prison in Rome

According to tradition, the apostles Peter and Paul were detained for nine months. Saint Peter was able to convert his jailers to Christianity. Let's get to know the details of this special place, and how to visit it?

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Visit Mamertine Prison in Rome

Mamertine Prison, a historic place of pilgrimage and faith! According to tradition, the apostles Peter and Paul were detained for nine months. Saint Peter was able to convert his jailers to Christianity. Let’s get to know the details of this special place? Shall we visit Mamertine Prison in Rome?  Here at Your Travel to Italy with Ana Patricia you make the trip of your dreams!!! ALSO: see our “Accommodation in Italy – Tips for your holidays!”


Tullianum Prison is one of the most important monuments in Republican Rome and also one of the most fascinating. The complex consists of two distinct nuclei, which are the prison, the upper environment, which dates from the 7th century BC. and Tullianum, the inferior environment, that dates back to the 5th century BC. C. Right there in the Tullianum there is a fountain whose waters were used to kill the enemies of the Roman people. Read our posts about Rome!

1) Visit Mamertine Prison in Rome – LEARN THE LOCATION

It is located under the Church of San Giuseppe dei Falegmani (“St Joseph of the Carpenters”), which is known by the name of St Perter in Jail. Some say it is the oldest prison in the world, known as Mamertine Prison, which according to Tito Livio was probably built under Anco Marzio in the 7th century BC and is located in the Roman Forum.

2) Visit Mamertine Prison in Rome – GET TO KNOW ITS CONSTRUCTION

It consists of two overlapping floors of caves excavated at the southern foot of the Capitol, next to the Gemonian Stairs, facing the rally. The deepest cave refers to the archaic era (8th-7th centuries BC) and was carved into the walls of the Royal Age, within the Servian Wall and was intended to protect Capitol Hill. The second, later superimposed, is from the Republican Era. The façade, which is visible today, is composed of travertine blocks, and it covers older blocks of tufa, where there is a picture engraved with the names of the consuls Caio Vibius Rufinio and Marco Cocceio Nerva, who intervened in the monument at the beginning of the first century A.D

The lower circular room was originally believed to be a cistern and then turned into a prison. According to tradition, the apostles Peter and Paul were detained for nine months. Saint Peter was able to convert his jailers to Christianity. What was missing, however, was water for baptism and the apostle, miraculously, made it ‘sprout’ from the ground in order to attend to the conversion of the sacrament.

3) Visit Mamertine Prison in Rome – GET TO KNOW THE ROOM ACCESS

The only access to the room below, reached today by a recent staircase, was represented by a hole in the floor, now closed by a railing. The complex’s Christianization can be dated around the 8th century, the period to which the remains of a fresco discovered in Tullianum date, and both rooms were converted into chapels.

A little more about Mamertine Prison

In the same period, the place began to be called Mamertina Prison. There are many famous people who were locked up here and lost their lives in the place by strangulation or beheading, in fact, it is the place where they were locked up and did not escape the death penalty: Jugurta – King of Numidia in 104 BC, the head of Gauls Vercingetorix, in 46 BC and the companions of Catilina, who were guilty of the crime of high treason against the State.

The Frescoes

Fascinating are the frescoes that also emerged with a new restoration and excavation, related to the cult of Saint Peter, such as the fresco that represents Jesus in action to place his hands on the shoulders of Peter, who ‘responds’ with a highly expressive look. In Constantine’s time, Mamertine Prison was transformed into a Christian cult by Pope Sylvester I, later known by the name of Saint Peter in Jail, but the construction of the church itself was decided by Pope Paul III.

Useful information

It is interesting to visit this piece of history through a private path, which provides an emotional visit, with a series of attractions made, from time to time, with lights, sounds and videos, along a tourist route, which will start at slopes of the Capitol, with the descent to the old Church of São Pedro in Cárcere, to continue in the ‘Tullianum’, where, according to tradition, Saint Peter was arrested.

Follow along the walls, where there is a clear stratification from the years the city was founded until the first century A.D. and then arrive at the spectacular Chapel of the Most Holy Crucifix. The visit with the multimedia path will provide a new and special experience. Visitors will find themselves walking in the ancient prison of Rome and discover, through an innovative multimedia system, Saint Peter, who will tell his story and the history of the early years of Christianity in Rome.

  • Ticket cost: EUR 10,00 per person;
  • Time: 08: 30 am – 04:30 pm (last time for entry: 04:00 pm);
  • Reservation: mandatory;
  • Average time for the visit: 01 hour.
  • Click nel banner to buy the ticket!

Are you going to stay in Rome? So you can get our exclusive hotel tips!

Here you will find great and free tips to not get fooled when choosing your hotel in Italy.

Plus: read our tips and advices about the Rome neighborhoods and where to stay! Here you will find the perfect hotel for you and for your needs, respecting you budget! Also: booking at booking.com, you will help us to keep our blog and for free! No fees, no click baits, no fake news!

Hotel I suggest near the Historic Center

If you are passionate about art and would like to stay in the center where you can move around walking, as well as having countless possibilities for places to have lunch / dinner or a snack, I advise you to stay in the historic center. Regions near the Trevi Fountain, the Coliseum, the Roman Forum, the Imperial Forum and the Villa Borghese, Piazza Spagna and Piazza Navona can be considered as “historic center”. These are the most expensive areas, but you will be close to everything, literally!

If you want to save a great option is the B&B, click on the links below and get to know each one. If you like the suggestion make your reservation and guarantee good prices.

If you prefer a good hotel, I have three options that I really like, click on the links below and get to know each one. If you like the suggestion make your reservation and guarantee good prices;)

Hotels that I suggest near the San Giovanni Region

For those who want to find cheaper alternatives in quiet areas, but at the same time close to the means of transport to the center, I suggest the region of San Giovanni or Monti (near the metro stations San Giovanni, Castro Pretorio and Circus Massimo) – which it is a more residential neighborhood; therefore, more economical and quiet! And with just 15 minutes by subway you will be in the center too!

I have two options for Hotels that I recommend, click on the links below and get to know each one. If you like the suggestion make your reservation and guarantee good prices;)

I have two options of B&B that I recommend, click on the links below and get to know each one. If you like the suggestion make your reservation and guarantee good prices;)

Hotels I suggest near Vatican City

An interesting area to stay and a little cheaper than the historic center is the Vatican area (Vatican Museums) which is very well connected with everything.

I have two options of B&B that I recommend, click on the links below and get to know each one. If you like the suggestion make your reservation and guarantee good prices;)

If you prefer a hotel, I have three options that I recommend, click on the links below and get to know each one. If you like the suggestion make your reservation and guarantee good prices;)

Hotel I suggest near Termini Station

For those who prefer to stay in neighborhoods that have good access to the rest of the city and at a better price, then you should choose accommodation in the surroundings of Termini Station (from where a dense network of public means of transport starts, serving both: the local people and tourists).

I have 3 good hotel suggestions in Termini, click on the links below and get to know each one. If you like the suggestion make your reservation and guarantee good prices;)

If you prefer B&B I have 2 good suggestions, click on the links below and get to know each one. If you like the suggestion make your reservation and guarantee good prices;)

Hotels that I suggest in Trastevere

For those who prefer to “taste” authentic and characteristic Rome, there is nothing better than booking a hotel in Trastevere (on the outskirts of the city’s historic river), full of typical Roman history and traditions, known for the tortuous streets of sampietrini stones and the centers medieval style housing.

The neighborhood is in the historic center and to the right of the Tevere River, in the midst of a spectacular landscape, where each visitor can observe the countless churches and squares (such as Santa Maria in Trastevere). In addition, this neighborhood offers several local restaurants and canteens for those who want to try typical Roman cuisine.

If you want to save a great option is the B&B, click on the links below and get to know each one. If you like the suggestion make your reservation and guarantee good prices;)

If you prefer a good hotel, I have two options that I really like, click on the links below and get to know each one. If you like the suggestion make your reservation and guarantee good prices;)


Shall we visit Mamertine Prison in Rome? The prison represents thousands of years of ancient history and Church events, and events of the men who spread Christianity in the Eternal City and in the world, all of this is possible by visiting this part of history, the Mamertine Prison in Rome.

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