What documents I need to enter in Italy?
In recent years, several countries have adopted stricter measures to control the entry and movement of foreigners into their territories. Therefore, when you are traveling to a country, for tourism, study or work, extra care must be taken before your departure. Some tourists who will visit Italy are EXEMPTED from VISA for a stay of up to 90 (ninety) days. So, that you have no more doubts about visa and documents, today we will tell you which countries are exempt from visa and what documentation you will need to visit Italy. Stay with us and make the best of boot shaped country! Here at Your Travel to Italy with Ana Patricia you make the trip of your dreams!!! ALSO: see our “Accommodation in Italy – Tips for your holidays!”
- The information source of this post is official, extracted from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
So, bellow, we list countries and territories listed in that DO NOT REQUIRE visa for visits up to a maximum of 90 days; the rule is for tourism, on missions, business, invitations, ought to take part in sports events and study.
- Albania, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Dominica, El Salvador, Emirati Arabi Uniti, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Georgia, Guatemala, Grenada, Honduras, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Macao, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Northern Marianas, Panama, Paraguay, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, Santa Lucia, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, South Korea, St, Vincent e Granadine, Taiwan, Timor Est, Trinidad e Tobago, Ukraine, United States, Uruguay, Vanatu and Venezuela.
From those coming from Taiwan is important to know that the exemption from visa obligation is applied exclusively to holders of passports with identity card number included.
- Citizens of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia are exempt from visa obligation only if the passport contains biometric data. NOTE: This does not apply to citizens of Serbia holding passports issued by the Serbian Coordination Directorate (“Koordinaciona uprava”).
- Nationals of San Marino, the Holy See and Switzerland do not require visa in any case.
Admission onto Italian soil through an external Schengen Area border is only permitted to:
- Seek entry at a border crossing point;
- Are in possession of a valid passport or equivalent travel document that allows them to cross the border;
- Are in possession of valid document and the conditions of the planned visit and have adequate means of support: both for the period of the planned visit and to return to their country of origin (or to travel in transit to a Third State);
- Are in possession of a valid entry or transit visa (if necessary);
- Have not been identified as inadmissible by the Schengen Information System (SIS);
- Are not considered a threat to public order, national security and/or the international relations of any of the Contracting Parties, under Italian law or the law of another Schengen State.
- for those who are already resident in another Schengen State, and in possession of a sojourn permit, are exempt from the obligation to obtain a visa for periods of up to 3 months, on the condition that entry into Italy is not for the purpose of subordinate work, autonomous work or study/internship or study/training;
- If any one of the above-mentioned conditions is not met, the traveller may have the entry denied by the border authorities even if in possession of a valid entry visa.
2) What documents I need to enter Italy? KNOW THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS
- Now we will know the documents requirements for entering Italy.
- Passports and equivalent travel documents:
- To enter, sojourn in or transit throughout Italy, travellers must be in possession of a passport or other travel document recognized as valid for the purposes of crossing Italy borders;
In the event that a visa is required, you need to know that:
- Any type of visa can be issued upon presentation of an expired travel document;
- The period of validity of a travel document must be at least 3 months longer than that of the visa;
- The travel document on which the visa sticker will be showed shall have been issued within the previous 10 years.
The following travel documents are considered valid to cross the borders and for the issuance of a visa:
Valid Passport:
- diplomatic passport: a service (or official, special or public affairs) passport, or an ordinary passport;
- personal passport: (which may also include the spouse and/or children) or a group of passport (for groups of no less than five and no more than 50 people, all having the same nationality, and all travelling together for the same purpose; normally as tourists. All entering, staying in and leaving the Schengen Area together; each member of the group must also hold a personal identity document, complete with photograph).
Other travel documents equivalent to a passport are:
- A travel document for stateless persons: Stateless persons must obtain a visa for Italy, unless they already hold a residence permit to sojourn in one of the Schengen countries;
- A travel document for refugees: Refugees must obtain a visa, unless they already hold a sojourn permit in one of the Schengen countries or a travel document issued by one of the signatory States of the Strasbourg Agreement.
- A travel document for foreigners: for those who are unable to obtain a valid travel document from the authorities of the country of which they are nationals; these documents are subject to the same visa requirements which apply to nationals of their home country;
- The Seafarer’s Identity Document: Italy recognizes the Seafarer’s Identity Documents issued by EU countries and the EEA countries signatories to the International Labour Convention and by those with which Italy has concluded specific bilateral agreements;
- The General Declaration: issued to pilots and crew of Civil Aviation companies for flight duty, in conformity with the “Convention on Civil Aviation”.
- A United Nations laissez-passer: issued by the United Nations Secretariat to United Nations personnel and that of its related agencies; people holding this document are exempt from the visa requirement for short stays (no more than 90 days).
- An individual or collective movement order issued by NATO Headquarters to military or civilian personnel and their dependents (spouse and children) serving in a NATO member country. The members of a NATO force (but not accompanying civilians or dependent family members) are exempt from the visa requirement;
- An identity card in the case of nationals of EU Member States: valid for foreign travel for work purposes, and exempt from the visa requirement;
- An identity card (and other documents) that can identify citizens of the signatory States of the “European Agreement on the Abolition of Passports”, valid for the purposes of tourism in any one of the States for a period of not more than three months. It is exempt from the visa requirement;
- A list of participants in school trips within the EU: issued to students from third countries resident in an EU state in conformity with the “Joint Action” of the Council adopted by the European Union on 30 November1994. This document is exempt from visa requirements.
- A pass: replacing a passport issued to a person who does not hold a regular travel document, authorizing the holder to travel throughout the Schengen area, or only within Italy. NOTE: This document is subject to the visa requirements to which the person’s country of origin is subject;
- Clearance papers or border permits: allowed to citizens residing in border areas, for transit across the border itself and circulation in the corresponding areas of neighboring States. This document is exempt from visa requirements.
3) What documents I need to enter Italy? FINANCIAL RESOURCES REQUIRED
A foreigner wishing to enter Italian territory must have enough financial resources available to guarantee maintenance throughout the planned visit and the return trip. The authorities might request to the traveller to demonstrate that they possess means of subsistence by showing liquid cash, bank guarantees, insurance policy guarantees or equivalent credit instruments such as vouchers for prepaid services or other documents demonstrating access to sources of income in Italy. Except where otherwise provided by the instruments mentioned above, the traveler must give proof of having conditions to afford appropriate accommodation and the availability of funds for repatriation, the return-trip ticket.
- To read the types of available visa for those who intend to be in Italy for more than 90 days, you can click here and access the menu on the left!
4) What documents I need to enter Italy? THE INVITATION LETTER
An invitation letter is a written letter from the person you are visiting in Italy. The letter attests that the person you are visiting is inviting you to stay with them and it guarantees that you will not stay in the country illegally. The invitation letter must be attached to the documents you need to enter Italy. The letter will tell authorities why you are coming to Italy and who you are seeing. There are several kinds of invitations letters such as: Invitation letter from family or friends for tourism purposes, business invitation letter, sponsor letter, university or college invitation letter and hospital invitation letter.
How to write an invitation letter?
The invitation letter requires the following information (depending on the purpose of the visit):
- Date;
- Valid phone number, e-mail and full address;
- Salutations and statements;
- Inviting person’s full name
- Inviting person’s status in Italy (citizen or permanent resident)
- Applicant’s name
- Applicant’s passport number
- Purpose of travel
- Relationship with the inviting person
- Dates of travel
- Itinerary of travel
- Closing salutations
- Inviting person’s signature
- Document attached, such as ID.
- Before travelling, check where you can find the consulate and embassy of your country in Italy. Have their numbers and address always with you! In case of an emergency, DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT THEM IMMEDIATELY!
What documents I need to enter Italy? So, if you are thinking about coming to italy, make sure you have all your documents with you, always at hand, with an expiration date according to the request of the italian authorities and remember to have fun! And if you feel insecure, have no time, and need help to organize your trip, don’t hesitate to contact me! I will love to help you make your dream trip to Italy come true. And how can I do that? Keep reading this post until the end and you will understand how we make your life and your trip much easier
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